Recent Reads

I read a piece or two most mornings. I skim twitter for something interesting. Failing that, I search #snowden to get caught up on that saga.




Anomaly Detection software in R by Twitter.

WikiProject X encouraging people doing x

Trust in the Semantic Web about Wikipedia?

Wikidata as told by Denny & Markus in ACM.

One Small Step for Man is not normal conversation.

Kieran Egan mentioned by Brett Victor

Got "Link Rot"? yes, but I have a solution.

Cunningham's Law isn't true and I didn't say it.

Demystifying SEO as if it is productivity.

Upgrading MediaWiki as an open-source product.


DolphinScript on wiki

Meta Keys Harmful because they are out of control

Security Cheat-Sheets from the OWASP Foundation.

You Can't Say That from BBC Analysis.

Gregory Mankiw on Royalties from his textbooks.

Gender Gap at Wikipedia.

Calm Technology within machines.

Open Science Publishing series of posts, 2014.

Beware the Machines from BBC Analysis.

InterPlanetary File System as it relates to wiki.


Wikipedia v. NSA with ACLU re backbone surveillance.

Good Type and how we respond to it.

Submedia News studied for con/divergence.


Conversation Factors that evoke replies.

Coevolution of Intelligence says Pinker on metaphor.

Hate the Process when J.Z. diagnoses the web.

Reliable Software by following 10 simplifying rules.